Frequently Asked Questions
Coimbatore, Trichy, Salem, Tenkasi, Renigunta, Thirunelveli, and so many other locations.
These are locations for Zoho Corp offices, not Zoho School classrooms.
For the next two years or so, Zoho Schools will operate out of Chennai and Tenkasi offices of Zoho Corp.
What makes us Zoom to the Zenith of Experiential Learning? Is it powerful Zeal? Or prolonged Zest? Above all, our success-secret is a more powerful 4-letter word, that incidentally starts with ‘Z’ as well! Listen to our President Rajendran Dandapani reveal the answer!
Thank you for your interest! Currently, we welcome applications from all over India. All the Best!
No, we don’t sign any bonds with our students. The only bond that ties our students with us is TRUST!
After successful completion of the course, the students will automatically be inducted as employees into Zoho Corporation, a world leader in cloud-based software products.
Read more about our alumni’s success stories and the roles they have been playing, here -
Our core principle at Zoho Schools is to spot talented students and lend an opportunity to them so they can work wonders. We are NOT part of any CSR initiative. While we know that our work is seen by some as a service to the nation and a boon to the under-privileged, we benefit as a company. We get amazing talent. A loyal workforce. A long-term talent who grows along with the company and pays it forward by spreading the word and helping with mentoring. So, yes, this is a social responsibility we wish more companies adopt, but this is not a “CSR initiative”.
School for Advanced Study is NOT OPEN FOR ENTRY ON DAY ONE.
You first have to get admitted into Zoho Schools, after a month of settling-down, we will invite you to APPLY to the School for Advanced Study. If you clear the additional requirements, we will allow you into it.
At the School for Advanced Study, we allow you an option to choose an Elective other than the core school you were admitted in. We also allow you to take up ADVANCED courses in the same domain you were admitted in.But, this depends on how well you perform during the first month of your stay with us.
The School of Tech will teach you how to program. Don't worry. Focus on Math and English skills.
The School of Design will teach you how to draw on the computer. Don't worry. Focus on honing your paper-pen/cil drawing skills.
The School of Business will teach you about selling software. Don't worry. Focus on your English writing and speaking skills.
Great! You can consider applying for the School for Advanced Study that opens up for already admitted students, after they spend a month settling in. At the School for Advanced Study, we allow students to select more advanced topics for in-depth study. We also allow students to choose ONE Elective (from Tech / Design / Biz) in addition to the MAIN Course they have already opted for. More details about this will be made available to you AFTER you pass our tests and interviews. Please don't ask any further questions about this now.
- The Zoho School of Technology focuses on what is needed to become a well-rounded software engineer.
- The School of Design is for students with a keen interest in art and a discerning eye for aesthetic detail.
- The School of Business focuses on prompt support, effective marketing, and efficient sales needed for a successful business.
In the year 2005, when we started Zoho Schools, we taught C, C++, PHP. We evolved fast, and moved on to Java. Around 2009, we started focusing on Python too. In the past four years, we have been teaching Java, Javascript+HTML+CSS, Kotlin, and Swift.
Things keep changing. Just like the dress you wear, the heroes in cinema, the bestsellers in bookshops.Be ready!
Classes usually begin in the month of April. By the following February , you will be placed as interns in various teams across the company (you will be able to choose, if you perform really well throughout the year!) (Your stipend will get a raise, during this period). Sometimes, the placement may be at a different location.
Two years down the lane, you will be confirmed as an employee in the prestigious Zoho Corporation, and your pay will be equivalent or higher than the pay a typical college fresher graduate gets when he/she enters the company. (About 6L to 9 L per year).
Hundred percent of the student community that graduates successfully every year is offered employment at Zoho Corp. Most of them even get multiple opportunities to choose from. Here is a gallery of employee profiles who were once students at Zoho Schools.
Great! You can consider applying for the School for Advanced Study that opens up for already admitted students, after they spend a month settling in. At the School for Advanced Study, we allow students to select more advanced topics for in-depth study. We also allow students to choose ONE Elective (from Tech / Design / Biz) in addition to the MAIN Course they have already opted for. More details about this will be made available to you AFTER you pass our tests and interviews. Please don't ask any further questions about this now.
Great! You can consider applying for the School for Advanced Study that opens up for already admitted students, after they spend a month settling in. At the School for Advanced Study, we allow students to select more advanced topics for in-depth study. We also allow students to choose ONE Elective (from Tech / Design / Biz) in addition to the MAIN Course they have already opted for. More details about this will be made available to you AFTER you pass our tests and interviews. Please don't ask any further questions about this now.
Zoho School of TECHNOLOGY is for students looking for a well-rounded training in software engineering and product development. This school functions from two locations - Chennai and Tenkasi.
The Zoho School for Graduate Studies is an offering from Zoho Schools of Learning targeted at graduate students of all ilk who are looking to enter into employment at Zoho Corp but are finding it difficult to bridge the gap from academia to industry. Anyone who is over 20, younger than 24, is welcome to apply. It does not matter if you hold a degree or not. (This school is NOT for Diploma/School students who can join the main course of Zoho Schools)
To know more, please visit
If a candidate applied for Examless Evaluation and
didn’t get shortlisted, he/she can try appearing
through the regular entrance exam.
The results of the Examless Evaluation for recruiting
the Class of 2025 will be shared with the shortlisted
candidates, as and when we complete the process.
Please check the inbox of your registered e-mail address
to know if you’ve been shortlisted.
The regular entrance exam results for the
School of Technology(Chennai,Tenkasi) will be
announced on the same day as the test.
The entrance exam results for the School of
Business will be shared with the shortlisted candidates,
as and when we complete the process.
Economically Backward reservation does not exist atZoho Schools.Reasons:- This is job-focused
training and practical education
tuned to prepare you for a career at Zoho Corp.
Zoho Corp does not have any reservations for
economically backward. No private company will
have such an arrangement.And so, Zoho Schools
too, does not believe in such arrangements. On the
other hand, we provide free computer, free food,
don't charge fees, give a stipend of 10000 rupees
per month. Potheri / Mathalamparai are
exceptionally well-suited places for economical
living and happy learning. So, you won't have to
worry about "financing your way" through
higher education. Zoho Schools was BORN because
we wanted to have a solution that did not
disadvantage the economically backward.
You can bring any government-issued
documents/mark-sheets, for the same.
Sorry, you have to wait until you reach our minimum age qualification. We appreciate your enthusiasm, and we look forward to meeting you soon. Meanwhile, please focus on Mathematics and English. These two subjects will serve you VERY WELL for VERY LONG!
An all-month fest of daily curated challenges in
Coding, Designing, Writing, and Problem Solving! Skilled aspirants can take up challenges, consistently prove their talent, and win a seat at Zoho Schools, without waiting for the annual entrance test! For more information and registration form, click the link below!
We don't have such restrictions and limits about numbers.
But, here is a secret! We ideally want hundred percent of our students coming out of initiatives like Zestober and Examless. If you are talented and professional in your approach, you don't need to bother about number of seats. We will CREATE a seat for you and accommodate you!
We want to give you a special consideration if you have been having a consistent stellar record for the last three academic years of your schooling. Please use this form to submit your application to us, and bypass the written test and join us directly at the interview stage. We need a higher official from your academic institution to vouch for your record, with the institution's stamp of authority.
The next upcoming exam date and venue will ALWAYS BE available on our website If for some reason, you don't find a date there, it means we have NOT finalised the date yet. Do not ask us or write to us. Just visit the website after a week or so. The date will be shown on the homepage.
The next upcoming exam date and venue will ALWAYS BE available in our website We usually conduct exams in our Chennai office and our Tenkasi office. We also conduct mass-recruitment drives in locations around the country. Follow our Twitter page for updates on the next mass recruitment drive. Occasionally, we also conduct online tests. We will announce about ALL THESE tests (chennai, tenkasi, other locations, online) in our website homepage and our social media. If for some reason, you don't find a date there, it means we have NOT finalised the date yet. Do not ask us or write to us. Just visit the website after a week or so. The date and venue will be shown on the homepage.
Mathematics and English will be important subjects here. Word problems featuring algebra and equation-solving, puzzles, visual challenges, and basic number sense will be tested here. Computer programming knowledge is NOT necessary.
Your sense of aesthetics, choice of color, understanding of proportion, perspective, and symmetry will be important subjects here. You may be asked to draw on the spot, with a pen and paper. Computer Graphics knowledge is NOT necessary.
Each question paper tends to be different.
We never repeat our questions. So, we don't have
a single cutoff mark that you need to score.
We don't disclose the marks either, so you won't
know how much you scored. Zoho Corp is a
fast-growing company, and Zoho Schools
supplies only 15 percent of the workforce needed
by Zoho Corp every year. So, if you do creditably
well in the test, you will be accepted as a student.
There are no hard and fast cutoffs.
The interview will typically evaluate your body
language, your ability to hold a good conversation,
your defence for some of the questions you had
answered earlier in the day in the written test.
Some general knowledge concepts from your
chosen domain (technology, design, business)
will be asked. WE WILL NOT be asking for your
certificates and academic / extracurricular
The School of Tech will test you mostly in
fundamentals of mathematics. But, the questions
will be in the form of word problems, and you will
need to know enough English to understand them.
We often provide Tamil translations of the question
paper, and our invigilators will be around to give
you clarifications about ambiguous text.
The School of Design will test you mostly in
fundamentals of artistic skill. So, language won't
really be important. Anyway, the questions will be
bilingual. Available in English as well as Tamil.
The School of Business will test you in your grasp
of the English language. Writing and Speaking skills
are important for a Student from the
School of Business, and so, the test will be in English.
High-level English, to be specific.
If your intent is to change your exam date
because you reserved a date but won't be able
to make it on that date, don't worry. We will just
knock you off the list if you don't turn up.
You can apply again using the form in the
website, and reserve another seat at another
Just come with a good frame of mind, a pen, a pencil, an eraser, a mobile phone with data connection, a document proving your name, date of birth. If you are well-prepared, strong in your fundamentals, you will find the question paper quite easy, and you will have enough time to finish and cross-check your answers. The Tech question paper will have multiple choice questions and fill-in-the-box questions too. The Design question paper won't be seen.The Business question paper will have some multiple-choice, some fill-in-the-box, and some essay-type requirements
Depending on the School you have chosen to apply for, we will test you for basic skills and aptitude. There is no syllabus other than Class X-level subject knowledge. There is no model question paper other than what you can find in the gallery of questions linked below.
Your understanding of the world of marketing and entrepreneurship, your exposure to terminology in the world of software business, and your thinking styles will be evaluated. You will be tested for your ability in English (vocabulary, grammar, comprehension). You may be given assignments to work on the spot or over the weekend, to prepare and deliver a presentation / pitch on a proposed topic. Prior knowledge of marketing and sales concepts is NOT necessary.
After the written test(s), we have a round of interview(s). The s in brackets indicate that there may be more than one test, and more than one interview. Be prepared to spend the whole day at the venue, on Entrance Test Day. It will start with registration around 9:30 am, and end with admission letter offers for the selected lucky few, around 5 pm in the evening.
We expect you will want to apply again. Thousands of candidates each year, attempt multiple times before getting admitted. Please prepare, sharpen your skills and dust out your rusty math / art / english concepts as the case may be, and come back again for the next attempt. Good luck!
During Covid, we had to conduct online tests because of social distancing and lockdown. But, now, we have returned to pre-covid procedures. We conduct exams at our offices in Chennai and Tenkasi, and also in other locations around the country. We don't foresee having to conduct online tests ever again. But, just in case we do, we will announce them at our website, youtube, and social media pages. Keep an eye out.
We usually discourage this. We strongly feel pursuing your passion elsewhere is better than trying again at Zoho Schools for something that you are not passionate about. But, if you truly feel you are multi-talented, you are welcome to attempt any other entrance test after the cool-off period.
We do not consider marks. we don't really take into account what subjects you have studied in school, what board exams you passed, what marks you scored. Your performance in our entrance test and interview are all that matters. Please watch our videos in youtube to understand the philosophy a bit more.
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Many students, parents, teachers, and curious people like you come here with loads of dreams, desires, hope, and... questions! We would love to hear you out and help you know us more.
Head over to our Whatsapp group and join the conversation!